The NFL has reached an agreement with the NFLPA to make several changes to the league’s policies regarding substance abuse and performance-enhancing substances, per KPRC2’s Aaron Wilson and CBS Sports’ Jonathan Jones.
Modifications regarding banned non-performance-enhancing substances – termed substances of abuse – are more lenient and forgiving. For example, a positive THC test now requires 350ng/ml, more than double the previous amount of 150ng/ml.
When players test positive for a banned non-performance-enhancing substance, teams will no longer be notified which substance was detected. They will only be informed of the violation and the resulting punishment.
The scale of fines has also been reduced and restructured. Under the previous policy, fines were proportional to game paychecks, with half-game, whole-game, and two-game penalties for first, second, and third violations. Now, a first violation will result in a $15K fine, followed by $20k for a second violation and one game check for a third.
For performance-enhancing substances, new changes relate to testing time and reinstatement. Previously, players had to test within three hours of notification; now, if notified before team activities in the morning, they have to test before afternoon activities.
Suspended players no longer have to test negative for the performance-enhancing substance before reinstatement. Now, they can be reinstated as long as “the presence of a substance(s) provides no performance enhancing effect,” per an NFLPA memo.
it’s strange how restrained the anger towards players who get caught using peds in the NFL vs other us pro sports
To get that big PEDS are required
Some of it is Puritanism around baseball mythology, some of it is realism about the physicality of football players.
“Everybody must get stoned …”
“Oooh oooh that smell. The smell that surrounds me…”
These guys inflict an incredible amount of pain on themselves for our entertainment and a great deal of profit for others. Better they treat it with weed than opiates.
I don’t think that most are “treating” injuries when they test positive (after being told well in advance when they’re going to be tested), so no, I don’t feel a need to beat some sort of drum for them. It’s their lives, they can do what they want, but I don’t believe the framing to portray it as “treatment”. I think some probably are, but it’s not like weed is just harmless on peoples’ psyches, either (as much as people refuse to admit it).
Everybody wants some!!
If you are going to for them to play a minimum of 18 games a season then you better relax on those. NFL wants to put so much on their bodies and have 4 days of rest travel international, come back and play the same week. Let them have some healing aid.
They typically get a bye after international travel.
Typically yes but this year Philly vs GB Brazil opener neither would got a bye for obvious reasons. Jets did not, but I saw that the team has some input on if they want to take the bye the week after. Jets said no.
Goodell can continue to fine and suspend but It would make more sense for the league to educate players about the heath risks they’re taking. Perhaps if some of these players were aware of Lyle Alzado’s story they would have a rethink about what they are doing with their bodies.