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If you see comments that fit the above criteria, please flag them and/or contact us. Bans may be handed out liberally by our moderators, without second chances. Remaining civil is not that difficult though, and most commenters have no problems doing so, as well as helping rein each other in. We are grateful for all of our longtime commenters and readers, though this policy applies equally regardless of tenure. This policy is always available at the bottom of the site, and will be re-posted monthly.
Westcoastryan is now Show me your Tatis ! Be sure to say hi to Ryan!
Can you add comments complaining about the content and/or editing on a FREE site?
How does one flag comments on the app?
You don’t, nor can you give the thumbs up/down which is usually people showing their prejudice to a poster and if they like him/her without even reading what they’ve posted.
Glad to see this, too much negativity in the past…hope this puts a stop to it!
y is it I always see insulting comments and some really messed up ones ad they sit there ? just wonder if the policy is being slacked on or if they just leave comment posted but stuff behind the sences.
Either way I agree with the policy
Im just here to create tension.
So your the guy who takes a knee while commenting?
When did these pro sports sites turn into Huffington Post (agree with me or else)?
Is it attacking to calling out a post author, who posts something wrong? Didn’t check facts or proofread article.